Citation needed.
You cannot be honest to really think that the American right-wing even cares about reducing the number of abortions.
Regarding your 5 ideas:
1)The right-wing will not support public tax dollars for that.
2)Not a policy proposal and you'll need sufficient evidence to disprove climate change and also disprove the negative effects that overpopulation will have on this world.
3)They are already trying to restrict contraception usage or let private companies deny insurance coverage for it. Fat chance in hell they will promote contraception. They only promote abstinence-only programs that don't work.
4)How are you going implement that? Do the men get a "refund" for a miscarriage? Are they going to be forced to submit to a DNA test immediately?
5)Are conservative states going to make it easy for gay couples to adopt. Many already have laws that basically let state adoption agencies discriminate.
Should women be investigated in case of miscarriage too?